February 12, 2011

LOS ER1 Came Back (not really...)

Hey guys its LOS ER1 well my penguin is banned and i made a new penguin

November 11, 2010

May 2, 2010

Jake comic

Hello guys i know this isnt about club penguin but Jake told me to put it in his website so here it is!

April 3, 2010

Hello guys i signed into rookies account (NO EDIT) His username is :Rookie His password is: rookie it took of then it said Incorrect password! I tried But then it said Wrong password password changed!

March 21, 2010

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid!!!

Hey guys guesswhat we saw diary of a wimpy kid the movie it was hilarious anyways im having my own diary of a wimpy kid party
its at 5:00 hope you guys come because the first party no one came!!

February 20, 2010